Synopsis of Principal Investigator


Lichen Biology




Professor Jiang-Chun WEI





Synopsis of Principal Investigator

Prof. Jiang-Chun Wei
A Principal Investigator (PI), CAS member (1997-).
Ph.D. 1962, The Komarov Botanical Institute of Academy of Sciences of USSR.
Dr. Sci. 1995, The Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Research Professor, 1985-, at Institute of Microbiology, CAS.
Editor-in-chief, 2007-, The Editorial Committee of Cryptogamic Flora of China.


Honours and awards

1986 CAS Science & Technology Progress Award (special class)
1996 SOA Science & Technology Progress Award (special class)
1997 SOA Science & Technology Progress Award (second class)


Professional activities
1985-now Principal Investigator (PI) in Institute of Microbiology, CAS
2009-now Director of consultative committee, BRC, IMCAS
1998-2006 Director of academic committee of , BRC, IMCAS
1986-1993 Director of academic degrees committee, IMCAS
1985-1993 Director of Key Laboratory of Systematic Mycology and Lichenology and her academic committee, IMCAS
1980-1984 Vice-director (Deputy Director) of IMCAS


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