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23. Liu, XY, Huang H & Zheng, RY*. 2008. Delimitation of Rhizopus varieties based on IGS rDNA. Sydowia 60(1) (accepted)
24. Ruyong Zheng* & Xiaoyong Liu. 2009. Taxa of Pilaira (Mucorales, Zygomycota) from China . Nova Hedwigia (2008 accepted, in press) (IF 0.770)
25. Xiaoyong Liu, He Huang & Ruyong Zheng*. 2008. Delimitation of Rhizopus varieties based on IGS rDNA. Sydowia 60 (1) : 93-112. (IF 0.556)
26. Ruyong Zheng,Guiqing Chen, He Huang, and Xiaoyong Liu. 2007(2008). A monograph of Rhizopus. Sydowia 59(2): 273-372.(IF 0.556)
27. Xiaoyong Liu, He Huang & Ruyong Zheng. 2007(2008). Molecular phylogenetic relationships within Rhizopus based on combined analyses of ITS rDNA and pyrG gene sequences. Sydowia 59(2): 235-253.(IF 0.556)
28.Ruyong Zheng, Xiaoyong Liu& Ruoyu Li. 2008(2009) More Rhizomucor causing human mucormycosis from China: R. chlamydosporus sp. nov. Sydowia 61: pp-pp. (in press) (IF 0.556)
29. Ruyong Zheng & Xiaoyong Liu. 2009. Taxa of Pilaira (Mucorales, Zygomycota) from China. Nova Hedwigia 88: 255-267.

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