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Signaling and sexual development in the industrial workhorse Trichoderma reesei.


报告题目: Signaling and sexual development in the industrial workhorse Trichoderma reesei

报告人: Monika Schmoll教授

报告人单位: Vienna University of Technology

报告时间: 2011年7月29日上午10点

报告地点: 微生物所C404

主持人: 李少杰 研究员

报告摘要: How does a fungus, which was so far primarily known as a biotechnological workhorse, react to environmental conditions, especially to light? Since the initial finding that light modulates cellulase gene expression, we intend to find answers to this question by studying the signal transduction pathways likely to relate either the light signal or a carbon source associated signal. We found that these signal transduction pathways do not act independently: On the one hand, not only light but also the photoreceptors of T. reesei are involved in regulation of cellulase gene transcription. On the other hand although the G-protein alpha subunits transmit a signal important for regulation of cellulase gene expression, their effect differs between light and darkness. Additional factors constituting this complex regulatory network are the G-protein beta and gamma subunit as well as a phosducin protein, which also in fungi responds to light. Moreover, light is also important for successful sexual development in this fungus. Since the capability of mating was shown for T. reesei only two years ago, we investigate determinants and regulation of this process, which led to the discovery of a novel class of peptide pheromone precursors and female sterility in the parental strain of all T. reesei used in research and industry.



