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2012戴芳澜学术论坛(五): Coordination of Fungal Development and Secondary Metabolism


报告人: Prof. Gerhard Braus, Georg August University, Germany

时  间: 11月5日(星期一),上午10:00-11:30

地  点: 微生物所A203会议室

主持人: 李少杰 研究员

Gerhard Braus教授是德国哥廷根大学微生物与遗传系的教授,是德国最具影响力的真菌遗传学专家,多篇论文发表于《Science》等顶尖杂志,曾负责Faculty 1000文章推荐。

Differentiation and secondary metabolism are correlated processes in fungi that respond to various abiotic or biotic external triggers. The velvet family of regulatory proteins plays a key role in coordinating secondary metabolism and differentiation processes as asexual or sexual sporulation and sclerotia or fruiting body formation. The velvet family shares a protein domain that is present in most parts of the fungal kingdom from chytrids to basidiomycetes. The structure of this domain will be discussed. The heterotrimeric velvet complex VelB/VeA/LaeA which includes the velvet domain proteins VelB and VeA as well as the conserved eight subunit COP9 signalosome complex are required for the link between secondary metabolism and developmental programs. The current state of the work in the laboratory will be presented.

