为而不争 持之以恒 求真务实 开拓创新






 尹文兵,博士,研究员,中国科学院微生物研究所研究员,中科院海外高层次人才,中国科学院大学首席岗位教授,中国科技大学兼职教授。中国菌物学会常务理事,中国菌物学会药用真菌专业委员会主任委员。主持国家重点研发计划专项子课题、国家自然基金面上项目和国际合作等多项项目,获得授权专利6项。担任国家卫健委重大新药创制项目、国家科技部重点研发计划专项、国家自然科学基金委通讯及会评专家。担任国际期刊Fungal Genetics and Biology、Mycology 和Frontiers in Fungal Biology的副主编,《菌物研究》编委。在Nat. Com.、Sci. Adv.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Nat. Prod. Rep.、Sci China Life Sci.、Chem. Sci.、PLoS Pathog.、Mol. Microbiol.、Org Lett.等国际期刊发表论文110余篇。







2002-2005,首都师范大学, 硕士



2021-  中国菌物学会常务理事

2017-  中国菌物学会药用真菌专业委员会主任

2018-  Mycology,副主编

2017-  Fungal Genetics and Biology,副主编

2022-  Frontiers in Fungal Biology,副主编

2018-  菌物研究,编委

2021-  中国天然药物,青年编委


2018   戴芳澜优秀青年奖

2015   留学人员科技活动项目择优资助

2009   国家优秀自费留学生奖学金


1. Song, Z.; Zhou, S.; Zhang, H.; Keller, N.P.; Oakley, B.R.; Liu, X.; Yin, W. B. *, Fungal secondary metabolism is governed by an RNA-binding protein CsdA/RsdA complex. Nat Commun 2023, 14, 7351. (唯一通讯, IF = 16.6; IF5 = 17.0)

2. Zhang, H.; Li, Z.; Zhou, S.; Li, S. M.; Ran, H.; Song, Z.; Yu, T.; Yin, W. B.*, A fungal NRPS-PKS enzyme catalyses the formation of the flavonoid naringenin. Nat Commun 2022, 13 (1), 6361. (唯一通讯, IF = 16.6; IF5 = 17.0)

3. Wang, G.; Ran, H.; Fan, J.; Keller, N.; Liu, Z.; Wu, F.; Yin, W.-B.*, Fungal-fungal cocultivation leads to widespread secondary metabolite alteration requiring the partial loss-of-function VeA1 protein. Sci adv 2022, 8, eabo6094. (唯一通讯, IF = 13.6; IF5 = 15.4)

4. Fan, J.; Ran, H.; Wei, P.-L.; Li, Y.; Liu, H.; Li, S.-M.; Yin, W.-B.*, An ortho-quinone methide mediates disulfide migration in the biosynthesis of epidithiodiketopiperazines. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2023, e202304252. (唯一通讯, IF = 16.6; IF5 = 15.3)

5. Fan, J.; Ran, H.; Wei, P.-L.; Li, Y.; Liu, H.; Li, S.-M.; Hu, Y.; Yin, W.-B.*, Pretrichodermamide A biosynthesis reveals the hidden diversity of epidithiodiketopiperazines. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2023, 62, e202217212. (唯一通讯, IF = 16.6; IF5 = 15.3)

6. Wei, P. L.; Fan, J.; Yu, J.; Ma, Z.; Guo, X.; Keller, N. P.; Li, E.; Lou, C.; Yin, W. B.*, Quantitative characterization of filamentous fungal promoters on a single-cell resolution to discover cryptic natural products. Sci China Life Sci 2023, 66 (4), 848-860. (唯一通讯, IF = 9.1; IF5 = 7.1)

7. Liu, Z. G.; Li, W.; Zhang, P.; Fan, J.; Zhang, F. B.; Wang, C. X.; Li, S. M.; Sun, Y.; Chen,S. L*; Yin, W.-B.*, Tricarbocyclic core formation of tyrosine-decahydrofluorenes implies a three-enzyme cascade with XenF-mediated sigmatropic rearrangement as a prerequisite. Acta Pharm Sin B 2021, 11 (11), 3655-3664. (主要通讯, IF = 14.5; IF5 = 13.2)

8. Liu, H.; Fan, J.; Zhang, P.; Hu, Y. C.; Liu, X. Z.; Li, S. M.*; Yin, W.-B.*, New insights into the disulfide bond formation enzymes in epidithiodiketopiperazine alkaloids. Chem Sci 2021, 12 (11), 4132-4138. (主要通讯, IF = 8.6; IF5 = 8.4)

9. Lyu, H. N.; Liu, H. W.; Keller, N. P.; Yin, W.-B.*, Harnessing diverse transcriptional regulators for natural product discovery in fungi. Nat Prod Rep 2020, 37 (1), 6-16. (唯一通讯, IF = 12.4; IF5 = 11.9)

10. Li, W.; Fan, A.; Wang, L.; Zhang, P.; Liu, Z.; An, Z.; Yin, W.-B*, Asperphenamate biosynthesis reveals a novel two-module NRPS system to synthesize amino acid esters in fungi. Chem Sci 2018, 9 (9), 2589-2594. (唯一通讯, IF = 8.6; IF5 = 8.4)
