Welcome to Wang Lab!!!







Group leader: Linqi Wang     

Phone: 86-10-64806184

E-mail: wanglq@im.ac.cn






Linqi Wang received his B.S. degree in Microbiology from Shandong University. In 2009, he obtained Ph.D. from Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). From 2010 to 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Associate working with Dr. Xiaorong Lin at Texas A&M university. After returning to China at the end of 2014, he became a Professor at Institute of Microbiology, CAS and selected as The National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars. Currently, he is the Deputy Director of the Institute of Microbiology, CAS. Dr. Wang’s group studies the determinants underlying fungal pathogenicity, drug resistance and tolerance and develops novel antifungal therapies.

Profession Activity 

(1) Faculty Expert of Faculty Opinions (F1000) (H1 Expert)

(2) Committee Member, Medical Mycology Trainee Seminar Series (MMTSS)

(3) Director, Microbial Genetics Committee, Genetics Society of China

(4) Director, Genetic and Molecular Biology Committee, Mycological Society of China

(5) Deputy Director, Mycology Committee, Chinese Society for Microbiology

(6) Deputy Director, General Microbiology Committee, Chinese Society for Microbiology

(7) Consultant member, China Fungal Disease Surveillance System

(8) Academic committee member, Beijing Key Laboratory of Mechanism Research and Accurate Diagnosis of Invasive Mycosis

(9) Academic committee member, Guangxi Health Commission Key Lab of Fungi and Mycosis Research and Prevention 

(10) Academic committee member, Chongqing Key Laboratory of Microsporidia Infection and Control


Awards and honors 

"Dai Fanglan" Outstanding Youth Award, Mycological Society of China

Outstanding Young Scientists Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Eukaryotic Cell Outstanding Young Investigator Award, American Society of Microbiology



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